BSA New Registration (for Scout)
- Step 1: Register or transfer (for families with scouts promoted from from cub scouts) through website under Troop 37 Youth or Troop 201 Youth.
- Step 2: Fill out Family form and Auto liability Form
- Standard contact information
- Drivers, automobile registration and insurance information, required by BSA for all car-pool drivers at scouting events and camps. You cannot take another scout in your vehicle without this information on file.
- Step 3: Fill out Medical Information form: Annual Health and Medical Medical Information form 680-001
- Fill out Part A and B for All Scouting Events
- You will have to complete Part C included in (Are you going to a Camp?) before your scout can participate in any of the longer camps. This section will require a physician’s signature. It is not required until later in the year and it must be renewed every year.
- Ignore the High Adventure box (this is for older scouts)
- Sign it, Also, please note on the form Troop 37 or Troop 201.
- Attach a copy of your medical insurance card, both front, and back.
- Step 4: Register one adult per family following instructions here
- Our troop is strictly volunteer-run and the Committee would like to thank you in advance for your volunteer time and effort in supporting our Scout’s programs. We have many events scheduled and in order for any of the events to occur, we need all Troop 37 parents to sign-up as Adult Advisors for these troop events. Remember, each and every Scout BSA activity requires a minimum of 2 adults (and at least one female adult for any event with female scouts attending). We are requesting one adult family member per Scout volunteer for a minimum of one activity/program during the year to help support their program.
- Indicate Troop Volunteer Interest(s)
- Step 5: Complete Youth Protection Training Certificate
- One adult from each family is requested to include a copy of their current Youth Protection Training (YPT) certificate. See detail: How to Guide for Taking Youth Protection Training. The updated mandatory training includes three modules and a test that takes a little over an hour to complete.
- If you have any questions, Mat Hein ( is our Troop 37/201 Adult Training Coordinator and Committee Chair.
- Step 6: Pay BSA registration fee through
- BSA fee breakdown: national membership fee ($85) + PacSky council annual program fee ($205) + optional BSA magazine ($15)
- Step 7: Pay the Troop 37 or Troop 201 registration fee through Cheddar Up
- The registration fee for joining in the month of February is $120 (plus service fee) in 2025
- You will receive an email from Cheddar Up after you make the payment
- Step 8: Fill out troop registration form, select “New Registration”, and attach documentation from step 1-3.
- Once the troop registrar receives everything, he/she will give you access to the Troop website where you can sign your Scout up for camps. In addition, registrar will be sending you invitations to the Yahoo email Groups.
- Troop 37 & Troop 201 registrar contacts:
- Troop 37Registrar
- Or
- Nayana Gottipati
- Troop 201 Registrar